Lumbar Disc Replacement.
ActivL and Prodisc Lumbar Disc Replacements
ActivL is FDA approved for one level disc degeneration at L4/L5 and L5/S1. Dr. Molina is trained as an ActivL surgeon.
Prodisc is the first lumbar disc replacement to be FDA approved for two level disc degeneration. Dr. Molina is a trained Prodisc surgeon.
Which disc is right for me?
Dr. Molina will review all your imaging, anatomy, and perform a physical exam. He will then discuss whether you are a candidate for disc replacement and which disc is right for you.
I live out of state, can I still be seen?
We welcome out of state patients and can make arrangement to discuss your case with you before you arrive. Imaging can be ordered close to home.
How is the surgery performed?
We used a trained access surgeon to assist Dr. Molina in the approach to the spine. An incision will be made in your lower belly and the abdominal contents will be moved to one side in order to access the front of the spine. Dr. Molina will then remove the degenerative disc and insert the disc replacement.
What is the recovery like?
You will be up walking approximately three hours after surgery. Most patients go home the next day. Return to activity is different for every patient.